Jiangyin Henghua Plastic Technology Co., Ltd


Address: Huashi Town, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, a land bridge Miss South Industrial Park ((cloud Gulu 18KM)
Phone: (86)510-86973007
Phone: (86)510-86973008
Fax: (86)0510-86973009
Huadong Ming (86)013093119900
E-mail: info@jyrf.com.cn

 Charpy impact test machine  Melt flow flow rate analyzer   Thermal deformation, Vicat softening point temperature measuring instrument
 Hydrostatic testing system with temperature control
 (Pictured PE repair pick in the experiment) 
 Test data using computer monitoring
 Electronic universal tensile testing machine  Dimensional change rate measurement instrument

Company Address: South Industrial Park of Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, a land bridge land (yungu Road 18KM)
Tel :0510-86,973,007 E-Mail: info@jyrf.com.cn
Copyright @ Jiangyin Henghua Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.